Saturday, February 20, 2010

Here are some apples I painted from life in my digital painting class using Painter. This was a fantastic exercise and showed me that I *CAN* digitally paint, I just need to be able to do it from my imagination.

I am also extremely interested in learning watercolors. I have all the materials, but I don't know what to do with them. The above image was just me having fun with nothing in mind. Unfortunately, it won't help with any projects I have right now. Hopefully I can do technical pen and watercolor mixes for my projects in my Special Studies in Illustration class.

Speaking of which, my self-appointed project this semester has been to do character designs and environments for my favorite book series ever, A Song of Ice and Fire. I am inexperienced at drawing people (let alone with their own personality) and backgrounds drive me crazy, but I no longer want to be afraid of them, so I'm doing 'em. In my "contract" with my professor, I said I'd make 6 minimum of character designs and 6 background designs. I've organized my projects with the absolute minimum work I need to do, as well as what I hope to accomplish, or even continue after the semester ends. If I didn't have an internship, it wouldn't be a problem to finish everything, but I basically have 2 days a week where I drive 3 hours round trip to LA, and it's time to sleep by the time I get back, so I don't work on anything. Here's hoping this semester gets some good work out of me!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My First Caricature

This was the caricature I did for my cartooning & caricature class. I used Illustrator to make the basic shapes, put in necessary outlines, and then used Photoshop to give it fuzzy edges when needed, and also used it to drop in textures I made with watercolor (scanned in at 1200 dpi since some were on 3"x5" watercolor blocks).

Soon, I hope to actually create watercolor images.